Ministry Opportunities
Ministry work are the life blood of this church! You will want to become involved where your spiritual needs can be fulfilled and where you can share what God has done in your life! Whether it is joining in community service or becoming part of the youth group, we want you to find a place to serve and grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Make sure you check out the ministry opportunities we have to offer!
Pathfinders and Adventurers
After several years without Pathfinders and Adventurers, the Española Valley Seventh Day Adventist Church, kicked off a special celebration for the return of the clubs! Kris and Monica Knott, members who transferred to Española last year from Texas, are excited to be the new leaders in Española. Both Kris and Monica are full speed ahead to get the clubs up and running. When asked about their mission for the clubs, Kris explains, "The Flame Throwers (Pathfinders) are setting hearts on fire for God. Our aim is to teach them how to have a personal relationship with our Creator by experiencing creation through camping, hiking, etc., while not neglecting the fact that kids need to have fun with other kids in the family of faith, training them to have respect and reverence for God's house and much more". Monica added, "Eli's Warriors (Adventurers) are learning how to put on the armor of God each and every day. We want them to learn how to love God, themselves and others through fun Godly activities. But most of all, to have friends and families supporting one another through our Lord Jesus Christ."
Learn more about The Adventurers "Eli's Warriors"
Learn more about the Pathfinders "Flame Throwers"
For more information on how to register your child to join the Pathfinders (ages 10-15) or the Adventurers (ages 6-9), please contact Kris or Monica Knott at (817) 304-3704.
Get Involved Today
Adventist Youth (A/Y)
Twice in our past, brave writers have undertaken the task of putting the Youth Department history into print. The first was Matilda Erickson, the very first secretary in the first youth department working with the first director, M. E. Kern. The second one was tried by a historian by the name of Nathaniel Krum, under the guidance of the newly-elected world youth director, Theodore Lucas.
No matter how hard one tries, the story gets abbreviated, lost in time, fuzzy and less precise. Also, it easily gets reduced to a few names and dates. We forget that these were/are people; people who loved God; people who have tons of exciting moments, difficult moments, shattered moments, moments we could all learn valuable lessons from. The true heroes are the youth of the past, present and future who follow our aim, “The Advent message to all the world in my generation.”
Women's Ministry
"The object of Women's Ministries is to help the women of the church experience Jesus Christ in a personal, life changing relationship. When Jesus calls us into a relationship with Him, He also calls us to ministry - some type of service to others. As women become actively involved in ministry, the entire church is blessed."
"The Department of Women's Ministries exists to serve the needs of the women of the church."
"The Spiritual Vision Women's Ministries is to lift up Jesus Christ by enabling women to discover and realize their leadership and ministry potential within their home, church and community."
"The Mission of Women's Ministries is know Jesus passionately and to disciple and serve others."
Learn more about becoming involved with Women's Ministry